
The Dangers of Unaddressed Plumbing Leaks

A goodnight’s sleep in your warm cozy bed on a chilly night has no alternative. Imagine you’ve slipped into your quilt, closed your eyes and are all set to dive into a peaceful slumber and all of a sudden, slowly dripping water catches your attention—your bathroom faucet is leaking again!

I Have A Slab Leak—What Are My Options?

Have you heard of the name Hippolytus de Marsiliis while perusing 16th century literature? Maybe you have, maybe you haven’t; but here’s why you need to know about him: he devised a Chinese water torture technique that’s still prevalent today. It involved singular droplets falling on the person being interrogated at regular intervals.

A Guide to Buying the Right Water Heater

Hot water not only improves your health by reducing inflammation and relaxing your muscles, but it also helps reduce blood sugar levels and blood pressure, while having many other benefits. This has made access to hot water during winters a necessity.