My Garbage Disposal Smells Bad. What Can I Do?

My Garbage Disposal Smells Bad. What Can I Do?

Garbage disposal units are useful tools for eliminating waste in your kitchen and for keeping your sink clean. However, over time, the pipes connected to the unit can become clogged with spoiled food, bacteria, and grease, which can lead to an unpleasant odor.

When your garbage disposal unit starts to smell bad, you need to hold your breath—that is, hold your breath, stop panicking, and follow our guide. Smelly garbage disposals are normal, because food can easily get trapped under the lid or in the blades.

Where Is The Smell Coming From?

The nature of the smell depends on the food you’re disposing of using the garbage disposal unit. For example, a strongly scented ingredient such as garlic or onions can lead to a very telltale smell.

There may be times when the unit starts smelling unexpectedly. Regardless of why the smell is engulfing your home, it is crucial to know how to kill the odor before you find yourself spraying air freshener in your home every two minutes.

The following are some simple tips that will help in getting rid of the garbage disposal smell:


When life hands you lemons, cut them into small sections and toss them into your garbage disposal unit. You can also use other citrus fruits like fresh lime or sliced orange to neutralize rancid smells.

Ice Cubes

Running cold water in your garbage disposal before and after using it is a great idea.

You can also use ice cubes to remove strong odors. However, unlike citrus fruits, ice will not leave a pleasant smell behind. But it will help sharpen the blades while the ice is being grinded.

Baking Soda And Vinegar

For this tip, you need to turn on your garbage disposal unit and pour one cup of distilled white vinegar and one cup of dry baking soda down it. This will effectively get rid of the odor in your garbage disposal.

Make Sure To Clean The Lid

While this might be obvious, not every smell will originate from the disposal itself. While you’re cleaning your garbage disposal unit, make sure you are also cleaning the disposal lid with soap, water, and a brush to remove any food particles.


If you’re looking for more tips on maintaining your garbage disposal, get in touch with our experts at Pro Serve Plumbing. We provide a range of plumbing services, including drain cleaning, leak repair and detection, slab leak repair, and garbage disposal repairs. You can visit our service pages to learn more about what we offer in Fort Worth, Texas.