Water Heater Maintenance and Repair: 6 Tips You Should Know

Water Heater Maintenance and Repair: 6 Tips You Should Know

A water heater is an integral plumbing appliance that is used for numerous domestic purposes, such as cleaning, cooking, bathing, etc. Whether you own a gas, electric, tank, or tankless water heater, it’s imperative to inspect and maintain it at least once a year.

Unlike an HVAC system, a water heater is required throughout the year. A comprehensive maintenance regimen ensures that nothing will go wrong with it. A water heater is supposed to last more than ten years, but carelessness and mishandling can shorten its lifespan, leading to significant plumbing emergencies.

So without further ado, here are some useful tips and tricks that will help you keep your water heater running efficiently:

1. Know Your Water Heater Well

You can’t maintain your water heater if you’re unaware of its specs and features. Find out the gallon capacity and the age of the heater. Study the warranty information as well—doing so helps you foresee potential problems so you can invest in prompt repairs.

2. Don’t Let the Fittings Loosen

Loose fixtures and fittings are the most common causes of an inefficient or faulty water heater.

Inspect the anode rod, pressure relief valves, and the temperature knob. Moreover, check the pipes and their joints to ensure there are no loose ends that may lead to leaks.

3. Prevent Water Pooling & Dripping

Another extremely crucial consideration is the prevention of water pooling or dripping at the base of the appliance. This specifically applies to gas water heaters that are installed close to the ground, where leaks can go unnoticed.

If you’re leaving town for a few months, turn on your water heater’s vacation setting.

4. Consider Installing a Heat Trap

The convection heat from a heat trap benefits your water heater and helps you save on utility bills. Conventional water heaters don’t typically have factory-installed heat traps, but you can get one retrofitted. The heat trap allows cold water to enter into the system but stores the heated water with the thermo-siphoning process.

5. Flush the System Twice a Year

Tap water contains debris and sediment particles that accumulate at the bottom of your water heater. Therefore, flushing buckets of water from your water heater is vital to prevent corrosion and clogs.

Experts from Pro Serve Plumbing in Fort Worth recommend keeping the supply on, which breaks down the debris into smaller particles for easy flush-out. Then open the drainage spigot and let the water flow out. Stay cautious of the hot water.

6. Ensure Safety

Some essential safety tips for a hassle-free water heater maintenance procedure are mentioned below:

  • Clear out at least a two feet area around your water heater.
  • Turn off the thermostat dial and shut off the gas line if you’re working on a gas water heater.
  • Turn off the circuit breaker in case of an electric water heater.
  • Drain the existing water from the heater tank.
  • Install a carbon monoxide alarm.
  • Remove any inflammable objectsaway from your water heater.
  • In case your water heater explodes or causes an overflow, take pictures of the incident to ensure maximum proof of the damage for your insurance claim. Also, ensure that your water heater is compliant with industry standards and ratings.

Get Professional Assistance

Always speak to your service provider if you have a malfunctioning water heater. If you’re looking for a reliable plumbing company in Fort Worth, reach out to us. Check out our services here or reach out to us here.