The Proper Way of Protecting your Water Heater from Winter Damages

Many homeowners ignore the importance of water heater maintenance until they encounter an issue with their unit.

However, unresolved problems and malfunctioning not only cause inconvenience, but also give rise to substantial repair costs.

This is especially true for the winter season, when temperatures plummet and water heaters have to work extra hard.

On top of this, Dallas News reports that winters in Fort Worth could see some dramatic temperature swings.

Hence, it’s important to take a proactive approach and ensure that your water heating system is working in optimal condition.

In this blog, we’re going to discuss three proven ways to protect your water heater from winter damage. So without any further ado, let’s get started!

1. Flush the Water Heater

The most important way to protect your water heater from winter damage is by flushing the unit before the frosty winds take over.

This will help eliminate the sediment that accumulates at the bottom of the water tank, which is the main culprit behind malfunctioning, rust, and other problems that are associated with water heaters.

The flushing process involves draining the water in the tank and repeating the process until the water becomes clear. While it seems simple on paper, it requires a lot of time, effort, and the correct technique.

From carefully opening the pressure valve to connecting the drainage pipe, there are so many intricate steps that must be performed with great precaution and care.

Also, you will need various pieces of equipment and tools, including a drainage pipe, garden hose, spigot, and more to carry out the process successfully.

Therefore, it’s best to hire a professional plumber to carry out the flushing process to save time, and to ensure that you don’t end up damaging your heating unit—or worse, yourself.

2. Insulate the Pipes

Frozen pipes pose serious risks during the winter season, especially in places like Fort Worth where the temperatures do go below freezing from time to time.

When water freezes in pipes, it exerts a significant amount of pressure, which can cause a rupture.

It’s critical that you insulate all the pipes that are connected to your water heater to prevent them from freezing and getting damaged.

Moreover, covering the pipes with insulation will also provide quick access to hot water, which will result in longevity with regard to your water heater, as well as energy savings.

In addition to that, it will reduce water wastage, which will further add to savings in the form of reducing sewage bills.

3. Conduct an inspection

While the aforementioned precautionary steps will reduce the risk of water heater damage during winters, it’s always best to schedule a thorough inspection.

Particularly, if there are signs of heater damage—such as rusty water coming out of your sink or water heater noises—it’s necessary to call a professional.

A professional plumber will carefully evaluate the condition of your water heater and perform repairs to ensure that it continues to perform without any problems.

It will prevent the chances of existing problems in your water heater from exacerbating, which may require costly repairs, or even a replacement.

This will also minimize the chance of water heater malfunctions, which can be disruptive and affect your regular routine (cold showers—hell no!).

Final words

It’s better to be safe than sorry. The above-mentioned methods will help to maximize the useful life of your water heater and minimize the chances of malfunctioning.

Hire professional plumbing services to ensure that you have constant access to hot water and to avoid problems with your water heating unit during cold nights

If you’re searching for reliable plumbing services in Fort Worth, get in touch with Pro Serve Plumbing.

We provide a range of water heater services in Fort Worth to our clients. Our professional plumbers will ensure that your water heater system works efficiently all-year-round.

For more details, get in touch with us today!