Gas Leaks: Here’s How You Can Detect and Prevent Them on Time


A natural gas leak isn’t generally life-threatening. But when it doesn’t completely burn due to a broken line or faulty installation, it releases a byproduct known as carbon monoxide.

A large quantity of carbon monoxide in the air makes it difficult to breathe and deprives your brain of the oxygen needed to perform brain functions.

According to a recent report, every year, 500 people die of unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning in the United States.

But how are gas leaks detected?

  1. The most common sign of a gas leak is its odor.

Natural gas is odorless, and the familiar rotten-egg smell that arises from escaping sewer gas or when there is a natural gas leak in the house is produced by sulfur-based compounds called thiols.

Thiols were added to natural gas to aid in its detection after the 1973 New London School explosion, which killed 295 people, many of whom were children.

  1. Slow hissing or whistling sounds are also a sign of a gas leak.

When a gas line is ruptured, the escaping pressure can produce a slow hissing sound. If you suspect a gas leak in your house, listen carefully to detect any hissing or whistling sounds.

  1. Gas leaks can cause discoloration in your house plants and can also kill them.

Without oxygen, all living things die. If the plants in your house look discolored and droopy, it can be a sign of a gas leak.

If you think there is a gas leak in your house, alert the authorities immediately and contact a plumbing service like ours to fix the leakage.

gas leak

Can you prevent gas leaks?

Gas leaks can be prevented if relevant precautionary majors are taken.

Some of these are:

  1. Check Often for Gas Leaks:

The places you should often check for any signs for a gas leak are the fittings where pipes join. Unions, regulators, flex lines, risers, and old shut off valves are some areas where when connections are not tight enough, or the sealant becomes dry, leaks can occur.

  1. Make Sure your Appliances are Installed by an Accredited Plumber:

Any appliances that require a gas connection should be installed by professionals who know what they are doing and have ample experience. In most states, the law requires plumbers to have accreditation to show that they’re qualified enough to install gas appliances.

Check their accreditation before letting them install any gas appliance at your home.

  1. Install a Carbon Monoxide Detection Alarm:

To avoid carbon monoxide leak in your house, install an audible carbon monoxide alarm that can save you and your family from carbon monoxide poisoning.

Want to get your house checked for gas leaks?

We at Prove Serve Plumbing have the best team of plumbers in Fort Worth. Whether you have a suspected gas leak or a clogged drain, our team of trained professionals will make sure that your problem is fixed right away.

Call us today at 817-244-0614 to get your issue resolved.