Drain Cleaning and Sanitization during the COVID-19 Pandemic

leaking pipe

Drain cleaning is an essential part of home maintenance. Clogged or contaminated drains can lead to health hazards and pose a risk of a structural leak at your home.

During this time of the deadly COVID-19, cleaning and clearing out your drains has become even more critical. Here’s why:

Why should I get my drain cleaned now?

If you have an unclean drain, you and the people living at your home are at a greater risk of catching diseases like malaria, respiratory illnesses, and nervous system issues. These may harm your immune system and make you more susceptible to the novel coronavirus.

Other than this, we learned during the SARS epidemic that contaminated air could travel through dried-out drainage pipes and lead to a greater spread of the disease. Since researchers are still getting new information about the novel coronavirus, it’s safe to assume that this virus may be capable of doing the same.

Hence, you must ensure your safety by getting your drains cleaned promptly. If you want to maintain a recommended safe distance from your possibly contaminated drain, here’s what you should do:

How should I get my drain cleaned?

To get your drain cleaned, hire our professional plumbers at Pro Serve Plumbing. Rest assured, we’re following guidelines advised by the WHO and CDC to maintain a safe working environment.

We’re fully equipped with protective gear, including masks, high-duty gloves, and overalls, and are also continually monitoring our employees for any symptoms of the COVID-19. We also encourage our customers to maintain a 6 ft. distance from us when we visit their homes for maintenance.

How can I prepare for a drain cleaning service?

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To better prepare yourself for our visit during the coronavirus, you should:

  • Create an easy access point for us by clearing the path between your front door and the drain.
  • Make sure that the area around your drain is cleared.
  • Don’t use chemical drain cleaners to clear out your drain. They can do more harm than good.
  • If anyone at your home has tested positive for COVID-19, let us know before our visit and make sure that they’re self-isolating.
  • Make sure to sanitize your home thoroughly.

The only defense against the COVID-19 outbreak is a safe and sanitized environment. Allow us to make your home cleaner by taking care of your uncleaned drains!

At Pro Serve Plumbing, we offer drain cleaning and sewer line repair services for Fort Worth residential and commercial units. Visit our website to find out more or call us at 817-244-0614 for a free quote!