The pipes in your home are an essential part of the plumbing. Corroded pipes can cause a myriad of issues in your home that aren’t just expensive to get fixed, but also time-consuming.

Like all things in your home, the plumbing has a lifespan, beyond which the pipes begin to show signs of wear and tear. Depending on the kind of pipes installed in your home, the lifespan of the pipes will differ. Galvanized steel pipes are known to have the shortest life span (20 to 50 years), while PVC is expected to last a lifetime.

Problems that occur due to oil pipes

Repiping your home should ideally be done at the first signs of your pipes corroding. Failure to do so results in the following issues:

Pipes bursting

When pipes become weak, their structure is compromised. They can’t take on as much pressure as they once could. Excess pressure in the pipes can cause them to burst, causing damage to your property and belongings. The flooding in your home will most likely ruin furniture and flooring, which is expensive to replace.

Leaking pipes

Daily wear and tear of pipes inside and outside your house lead to leaks developing over time. Often, such leaks aren’t taken seriously by homeowners and ignored until the problem is out of control. Leaking water from these pipes also causes structural damage to your home. Moisture in the walls and on the floor promotes the growth of mold and mildew, which are known to have serious health implications.

Rusty water

Water that runs through corroded pipes compromises its quality, making it unsafe for consumption. The water in your home will also turn into a rusty color since the water is passing through heavily corroded pipes. Rusty water is also unsafe to use for sanitary needs.

If your home’s plumbing is experiencing such signs, it’s time to get your plumbing repiped. Here are some things you should know when getting this done:

Home inspection

Every home’s repiping job is going to be different. Some homes might only need to replace pipes in the bathroom, while others might require the hot and cold pipes to be replaced with new ones. Our licensed plumbers always take the time out to inspect the area they are working on thoroughly. They inspect the corroded pipes and faults in the plumbing before they begin the job. The inspection also helps determine an accurate estimate of how much the project is going to cost.


The process of repiping your home will leave you without water for a few days until the project is completed. We understand that this is going to be difficult for you, but it’s essential and affects the end result of the project too. Our technicians can help you prepare appropriately for this plumbing job and help with an alternate source of water too.

Before the project begins, we help homeowners protect their flooring, furniture, and other belongings from water damage and debris.


The pipes in your home will be installed in sections, which is why the process takes up to a week to complete. Prepare to keep that week free so that you can get this project wrapped up without any issues.


Depending on the area being repiped in your home, the drywall can be affected. This would need to be replaced. Most plumbers are able to handle the problems that come with repiping or you could get a recommendation for a service to come in and fix it.

For help with repiping and other plumbing issues that you may have, get in touch with us at Pro Serve Plumbing. We’re a Fort Worth-based service that specializes in affordable plumbing repiping services in Texas. We also provide 24/7 assistance with our emergency plumbing. Just call +1-817-244-0614!