Garbage disposal is a standard feature in most American kitchens. In fact, around 66% of Americans agree that garbage disposals make cleaning up after cooking and eating a lot easier.

People all over the United States are stuck at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While some people are engaging in office work from home, most people are looking for things to do to stave off the boredom while under government-mandated restrictions.

With a wealth of DIY videos and projects available online, many people are attempting remodeling projects in their homes. And while that might be a good idea for small upgrades such as painting kitchen cabinets or installing wall fixtures, when it comes to upgrading the bathroom, especially the shower, it’s not as easy as some DIY videos make it out to be.

There are several challenges that even professional plumbers have a tough time dealing with when it comes to installing a new shower. That’s why experts recommend always hiring professional plumbers for any bathroom remodel.

Here are some common issues that come with bathroom and shower upgrades:

Subsurface Water Damage

When installing a new shower, one of the most important things to look out for is subsurface damage.

Leaking shower valves and pans often cause a lot of damage to the internal structure of the shower. The water that seeps under the surface makes the structure unsound, and it needs to be repaired before installing a new shower.

Adhering To Local Building Codes

Many people who attempt DIY shower installations aren’t familiar with local building codes and end up violating them. This can result in damage to the structure of the apartment or building.

Any installations or remodeling jobs that occur without the proper permits could also result in hefty fines. Professional plumbers know the local codes for repairs and remodeling and can ensure your project doesn’t violate them.

Choosing the Right Piping

One of the most important aspects of any bathroom remodeling project is choosing the right piping. If it isn’t the right size or good quality, it could increase the risk of the entire plumbing system of your house or apartment being damaged!

Not aligning the Tubing Properly

When installing any shower upgrades, it’s essential that all the parts are properly aligned. Any gaps in the tubing or improper alignment of the valves can cause damage and leaks that could result in costly repairs in the future.

Consider Pro Serve Plumbing for Your Shower Installation Needs

Thinking of getting a shower upgrade for your bathroom?

Hire Pro Serve Plumbing to make sure your bathroom upgrade is executed without any issues.

Call up 817-244-0614 to schedule a bathroom inspection and let us help you makeover your shower and bathroom. Our plumbing and installation technicians serve all of Fort Worth, Texas.