Are Flushable Wipes Really Safe to Flush?

Are Flushable Wipes Really Safe to Flush?

According to a report by the Insider, ‘flushable wipes’ are responsible for up to $10,000 in repairs when flushed– even though they’re called “flushable” wipes. Other than that, your state Department of Protection could end up paying millions of dollars annually for the damages caused by these wipes.

Let’s dig deeper into the subject matter.

Objects That You Can’t Flush

Just because you got back from a party late at night and are too lazy to wash your face, doesn’t mean you can use a couple of wipes and flush it down the toilet. Here is a list of all the items that are not meant to go down the drain:

  1. All sorts of wipes—cosmetic wipes, toilet wipes, and baby wipes.
  2. Toilet paper
  3. Condoms
  4. Female hygiene products, including tampons and pads
  5. Baby diapers
  6. Contact lenses
  7. Hair
  8. Chewing gums
  9. Cat litter
  10. Cooking oil and grease
  11. Paint
  12. Band-aids
  13. Cotton swabs
  14. Cigarette Butts

Why Is It Not Safe To Flush Wipes?

Just because the label says your wipes are flushable doesn’t mean that they are – most times, the labels are deceiving you.

In reality, both flushable and regular wipes take a lot longer to break down than regular toilet paper because most wipes are made of fabric. The fabric has high absorbing capacities compared to toilet paper and absorbs other particles in the plumbing system until it clogs up the pipes. On top of that, the wipes are not water-soluble– they never dissolve completely.

When the same wipes join forces with grease, debris, and other bits of paper, the problem could escalate– for example, your plumbing fixtures will likely back up. When the same clog makes its way to the main sewer line, it eventually creates problems for the local water treatment facility.

What Can You Do?

If you’ve accidentally flushed a couple of baby wipes down the toilet and are dealing with a backed-up toilet, we don’t recommend you trying to fix it yourself. If the clog is deeper down the drain, you won’t have the right tools or equipment to fix the issue. Giving the toilet a few strokes with a plunger might only fix the problem temporarily. Eventually, you’ll need to get in touch with a certified plumbing repair Fort worth, TX.

If you’re based in Fort Worth TX, there is no better option than Pro Serve Plumbing. We are up and serving and are taking all the required safety precautions. Get in touch.