7 Plumbing Emergencies and How to Avoid Them

7 Plumbing Emergencies and How to Avoid Them

Let’s start with some facts regarding the alarming consequences of undealt with plumbing problems:

  • One in ten homes in America deals with plumbing leaks that waste 90 gallonsof water per week.
  • The average American family spends more than $300on plumbing repairs per year.
  • You use up to 7 gallonsof water per toilet flush.
  • An inefficient toilet wastes more than 200 gallonsof water daily.
  • The average American family can save up to 1,300 gallonsof water per year by preventing plumbing emergencies.

After reading these stats, we know what you’re thinking—“How can I prevent plumbing problems in my home?”

Dealing with leaky pipes, dripping faucets, and clogged drains is easier than you might think. In this blog, we’ll be discussing seven types of plumbing issues, while suggesting preventive measures as well.

1. Clogged Drains

Toilet paper, female hygiene products, hair, soap residue, and mineral buildup are the most common causes of clogged drains.

This means you need to avoid rinsing and flushing solid waste products down the drain to prevent clogs. Keep a plunger or snake drain handy to get rid of any blockages immediately.

2. Drippy Faucet

Drippy faucets are frustratingly painful to deal with. Checking the water pressure helps you avoid leaks and drips, however, as high water pressure often damages fixtures.

Moreover, install a water softener to reduce the pressure on the piping system and prevent corrosion.

3. No Hot Water

A failed heating element or inadequate water heater tank maintenance leads to a lack of flowing hot water. Regularly inspect the tanks for leaks, accidental grounding, & sediment accumulation on the tank bed. Also, check your water heater’s pressure relief valve to prevent a sudden hot water supply shutdown.

4. Low Water Pressure in Showerhead

Publicly supplied water is often full of minerals, which tend to accumulate inside the showerhead and reduce water flow from the outlet. Open the showerhead and remove the debris from its surface to restore the water pressure.

5. Damp Walls

Damp walls indicate mold and bacteria growth due to internal seepage in your home. This could be a consequence of faulty sewer lines or inadequate waterproofing.

Scrubbing away mold from non-porous, small surfaces is easy, but we recommend getting expert help to ensure foolproof mold removal.

6. Water Pooling on Rooftop

Is water not flowing smoothly off your rooftop during rain? Clogged outlets and gutters could be the reason. Fallen leaves, dirt, and debris collect in the drainage pipes and block the flow of water.

Prevent gutter clogs, water pooling, and ice dams on the roof by regularly trimming the trees in the close proximity and sweeping the roof surface.

7. Smelly Kitchen Sink

A buildup of food particles or air bubbles in the drain trap allows bacterial odors to rise in your kitchen sink. Sewer gases escape for the U-shaped pipe and diffuse in the air. Check out the EPA septic smart guide for more information.

Use baking soda and apple cider vinegar solution or readymade cleaners to clear the drain pipes. If the problem persists, get the help of a professional plumber in your area.

Get Professional Help

Get rid of severe plumbing issues by contacting the expert plumbers at Pro Serve Plumbing. We offer 24/7/365 plumbing services in Fort Worth, TX, to keep your residential plumbing system efficient and smoothly running.