Tips to Make Your Small Bathroom Functional and Luxurious

Just because your bathroom is small doesn’t mean you can’t make it comfortable! With some creative ideas and strategic planning, even a tiny bathroom can be made to be luxurious, comfortable, and functional.

Let’s dive in:

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall!

The experts at Forbes say that there’s no better way to make your small bathroom look bigger than by using mirrors. Moreover, the bigger the mirror, the more the number of people who can use the space at a time. The key is to make sure the mirror stretches across the wall.

Mirrors also create the illusion of depth. This means that they fool the eye and make the space look spacious. Strategically place the mirror in a place where it can reflect natural light, to give an ‘open feel’ to the room.

Select your Fixtures According to Space

If you’re already short on bathroom space, you don’t want to overcrowd the bathroom. A common mistake that most homeowners make is investing in a storage-tank water heater for a smaller bathroom. Storage-tank water heaters take up more space than they should and consequentially make the bathroom look cluttered.

We recommend replacing such heaters with tankless water heaters. Just as the name suggests, these heaters don’t store the water in a tank and, therefore, take up less bathroom space. They also have a sleek appearance and may even complement the aesthetic of your bathroom.

The same goes for all the other fixtures you install. They must be in proportion to the space.

Fix any Broken Pipes

Broken and rusted pipes can seriously take a toll on the aesthetics of your bathroom. Even if you’ve invested a lot in making the bathroom look luxurious, if you haven’t fixed the pipes, you haven’t done much. The good news is that you don’t have to do it on your own.

Your local plumbing service will carry out an in-depth inspection of your pipes and will tell you whether they need repairs or total replacement. New pipes will give your entire bathroom a fresh look.

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