A tankless water heater mounted on a wall.

Tankless water heaters instantly heat water as it flows through the device. Switching to a tankless water heater may initially seem like an obvious idea. They’re the next generation of water heating system devices, seemingly superior to the old storage tank water heaters in all aspects.

However, it’s not that cut and dry, and there are multiple factors you should take into account before committing to a water heater. We’ll help break down some of those considerations:

Size and Space of the Water Heater

The most apparent advantage a tankless water heater has over conventional water heaters is its size. Tankless heaters can be installed on a wall or internally in a building structure.

This means you don’t have to give up as much space dedicated to heating your home. If you live in a smaller home, it would be a good idea to take advantage of a tankless water heater.

Potential for Unlimited Hot Water

Since a tankless water heater works on demand and doesn’t store a limited amount of water in a storage tank, they have a potential for unlimited hot water.

This is dependant on the amount of water you use and the size of the tankless water heater you buy.  Where conventional water heaters are categorized by the amount of water they hold, tankless ones are measured by their flow rate. The typical flow rate of a tankless water heater is around 4–10 GPM (gallons per minute), depending on the size of your home and usage. A shower faucet using an unlimited potential for hot water through a tankless water heater.

Cost and Energy Savings

In general, a tankless water heater has a significantly higher initial cost. Tankless water heaters also require a yearly flush and maintenance, which can be a significant expense.

However, a tankless water heater is also more energy-efficient than a traditional water heater. Since a tankless water heater works on demand, it’s not running all the time. This is excellent not only for your end of month bills but also for water conservation and the environment.

Furthermore, a tankless water heater lasts around 15–20 years, considerably longer than the 6–12 years a conventional water heater lasts. The longevity of a tankless water heater also adds to reduced cost expenses in the long run.

Would you like to get a water heater installed in your home? Check out our services at Pro Serve Plumbing, where we provide water heater installation and repair in Forth Worth. Get in touch with us to get started.